Health | Introducing Bertie

There is a new man in my life and I'm totally head over the heels besotted with him. We met a couple of weeks a go online and then I picked him up yesterday in central London. He makes me giggle, feel great about myself and I totally love being seen with him. Honestly, it's the perfect relationship. My new man is none other than my first ever Brompton named Bertie.

Bertie is an S2L which, for those of you who dont speak Bromtpon jargon means he has flat handlebars, 2 gears and mudguards. It also means he is nice and light and super zippy. He is the most gorgeous deep blue colour and folds up like a dream. 

About two years a go I set myself the challenge of proving I deserved to own a good folding bike - rather than simply say I would ride it all the time no matter what the weather, I bought a cheap Raleigh folder and set myself the challenge of putting my money where my mouth was. I became cycling obsessed but have really struggled on a busy commute to not let the bulky, heavy bike affect my enjoyment of the ride. But with Bertie my life is transformed! A tiny, neat and clean fold (by clean I mean the chain folds inside the bike meaning when you carry it around you aren't left with greasy smears across your clothes) and a super speedy and easy commute. 

More adventures and some modifications to follow but for now - bye from me and bye from Bertie.


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